Saturday, March 5, 2011


Last night was the night.  The night I finally decided that "B" and I deserved to get back to sleeping six or more hours straight . For the past few weeks she has been crying in the middle of the night (eyes mostly closed).  It could take minutes or an hour to soothe her back to sleep.  I read all of the books.  I asked all of my friends.  I finally found the support and the strength to do it.  I let her cry.  I tried a few nights earlier.  I failed.  What seemed like hours was only five minutes!  I was sure that I could do at least ten the next night.  So, the next setting sun came and went, and it was that time again.  Five minutes.  That's all I could do. 

A couple of interrupted sleeps followed, and then I was ready to try it again.  This little, precious baby was all smiles and laughter during the day.  She fell asleep easily.  She woke up happy.  There were just a few hours in between that were so unpredictable.  I resigned myself to what I always thought I would never do.  I was going to let her cry.  I'd let her go as long as it had taken to soothe her on the most challenging night.  1 hr.  I would need backup though. 

The midnight hour came and went, and at 3:45am on the dot the cries came in with a vengeance. I watched the clock... one minute... two... three...

Five minutes was my breaking point.  So I went and checked on her.  She was not tangled in her blankets, or stuck in a corner with her face smushed.  She wasn't hyperventiallting.  I told her I loved her (best advice I'd recieved) and that I knew she would be just fine.  I went back to my bed, ipod in hand, and asked Krishna Das to soothe my soul.  This continued for another twenty minutes, with me checking on the babe every 5 minutes or so (and when I say or so, I mean every 4min and 58sec).  She was still crying off and on, and I was still not at peace with my decision, but was reminding myself how much better we would both feel when this was all over. 

This is the moment that my own will and intuition took over.  The books no longer mattered.  I forgot all about the doctors and the "experts."  I finally was able to hear my own voice through all of the cries and Om Namah Shivayas.  I needed a pen and paper.  I was actually inspired!

Pen to the paper and all of a sudden a rush of words came streaming out of the pen as if I found the kink in the hose that was backing up the water supply.  WOOOSH!

After the pen was finished extracting all of the emotion from within me, I read and re-read the words of wisdom aloud.  I read to myself.  I read to B. I felt calmness overcome me.  As the words stood still on the rose tinted paper, their meaning was coming alive; with that aliveness came peace.  And quiet. 

I channel all of the women who came before me and all that will come after me for the strength we both need.
I share my prana, life-force, calming breath, and faith with you, B, knowing that we both desire peace.
It is with love and a nurturing heart that I persevere-- for our health and well-being.

I channel all of the women who came before me and all that will come after me for the wisdom we both need.
I share my prana, life-force, calming breath and faith with you, B, knowing that we both desire peace.
It is with love and a nurturing heart that I persevere-- for our health and well-being.

If you or any woman you know has a story of intuition, rather than statistics or research, getting you and your child through a difficult moment, please post, or email to  Inspire others to look within!


  1. Thanks for this, Shanna : )

    I am sure you are a great mommy! Glad to hear things are getting easier. Maeve still doesn't sleep well. I think I need to heed your advice!

  2. Thanks Shanna. That is so beautiful. It reminds me of the Robert Gass song of Ancient Mothers/Goddesses. Landen still isnt sleeping through the nite either. We got one half decent week in after three nites of sleep training and now were bsck to square one. He loves to nurse at nite and it is often easier for me than letting him cry! Love you lots...! Vesta

  3. beautiful Shanna. The toughest, yet most profound experience I've had is competing feelings of awesome love and feeling like now my heart is outside of my body and the feeelings of anxiety that comes along with loving someone so much. I've been trying to ask all the mommies I know how they allow their precious children into the big scary world without being crippled by fear. I, of course, don't want my fear to rub off on Michael, and I'm happy to say that he is a little boy who loves life and new experiences. I will try your mantra from now on, I find it incredibly empowering, just like all my encounters with you. I have to say, you are a friend who inspires me to be a better person, better're awesome and I love you. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to call you this afternoon or tomorrow, when I have a little time to talk without a munchkie hanging off me.
